Mica – a mineral mined in very few parts of the world, is one of the most complex minerals to be mined. Micas are generally found in Metamorphic rocks called Schist and Igneous rocks called Pegmatite, dominated by Feldspar and Quartz. The mica mineral does not have any stable depositional formation&can be found as in pockets, scattered, veins, pipes or bulk deposit. The quantum of its deposit depends on its natural formation.
Mica is mined through two methods-
- Open-cast/ pit method
- Underground deep shaft method
Open-cast/pit method is similar to the process of mining of other minerals. However, mica has to be extracted with great care and expertise as it is very vulnerable and gets damaged in the process.
Underground deep shaft method includes driving a main shaft underground through the pegmatites at an angle that allows access to the mica crystals using drills, heists and explosives.
Mining in India is a responsible business with all the necessary safety, social, health , environment standards and other protocols being followed.
The government of India along with the state government has strict mining policies to guide and control all mining businesses under Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957.
The company operates is mining operations under a separate entity called Bhudolia Mica Mining Pvt. Ltd.
Environmental Conservation

Environmental Conservation
Direct and indirect mining practices can leave an impactful effect on our environment and that can take place on local, regional and global scales. It can lead to loss of species, soil erosion, formation of holes, and addition of impurities to soil groundwater and surface water. Environmental and social assessments used to be highly resented in the mining industry. Today, mining process is environmentally responsible, precise and thoughtful.
It utilizes modern technology and scientific knowledge to better predict, plan for and prevent or control adverse environmental impacts.
The last few years have brought about remarkable changes in the industry. Our company is committed to responsible mining and mineral development and strives to build partnerships and capacity to confront sustainability challenges within the regions it operates.
Child labour

Child labour
Mica businesses and Mica products have been in the news for quite some time, mainly for exploitation of child labour and illegal Mica mining.
We as a company, organisation and responsible citizens of the society, completely follow the rules and regulation and strictly abide by the child labour policies of the government. No child workers are allowed in any of our premises.
Research & Development

Research & Development
Major research areas covered are :
1. Mining methods
2. Mine Safety
3. Mine reclamation and mine environment studies
4. Mica Parts to processing centres
Notable advances have been made through Research & Development
(R & D) efforts in application of new technology in mica mining.
MPMICA is making efforts for enhancing quantum of R & D work needed to address the complexity of operations of mica industry and also for wider involvement of research agencies. We put continuous effort on cost reduction, quality betterment and workers safety.